Sustainable pet food


The Ultimate Guide To Cephalexin For Dogs

gray blister pack on white surface

Key points Cephalexin is an antibiotic prescribed to treat various bacterial infections in humans, dogs, and other animals; Cephalexin is effective against urinary tract infections, skin infections, otitis, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenza, etc.; The most common side effects of this medication include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, panting, drooling, hyperexcitability, and skin rashes; You can combine cephalexin with VitaminA for dogs…

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The Ultimate Guide to Carprofen for Dogs

three capsules on person's palm

Key points Carprofen is an anti-inflammatory medication prescribed for dogs with osteoarthritis or as a pain management therapy after surgery; Generally, veterinarians consider the drug to be safe for canines since side effects occur very rarely. However, you should observe your dog for adverse effects; A professional diagnosis and vet prescription are needed if you want to give a…

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Home Remedies And Natural Treatment For Dog Calluses

dog laying on bed

Key points Dog elbow callus is a condition during which the skin on your dog’s elbows, hips, sternum, hocks, and the side of the legs becomes more rough and appears in dark brown, black, or grey color. A callus is a localized hyperplastic skin reaction a pet’s body uses to protect the bony protrusions from pressure. Large breed dogs…

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All You Need To Know About Dogs’ Night Seizures

person in black shirt lying on bed

Key points Seizures are relatively common in dogs, and most of the time, they are not life-threatening. They typically happen when abnormal activity occurs in your pet’s brain during a sleep transition period. Small dogs, puppies, and senior dogs are more likely to have seizures. The most common seizure causes in dogs include idiopathic epilepsy, kidney failure, brain trauma,…

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Hyperkeratosis In Dogs: All You Need To Know

brown and black animal paw

Key points Hyperkeratosis is a condition that causes excessive growth of keratin on your dog’s paws, nose, or ears. Usually, this condition doesn’t pose any danger to your dog, but it can cause discomfort and pain. Your pet may even develop an infection if the skin in the affected areas has cracks. The most common underlying causes of hyperkeratosis…

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Buprenorphine For Pets: All You Need To Know

Key points Buprenorphine or Buprenex is a human opioid drug used for pets struggling from mild to moderate pain. It’s a fast-acting, extra-label medication that works by blocking pain receptors. It can be prescribed both to cats and dogs. Buprenorphine can be administered orally in the form of liquid to cats and as intravenous or under the skin injections…

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All You Need To Know About Novox For Dogs

red and blue pill on blue surface

Key points Novox has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which is why veterinarians prescribe it for dogs that suffer from arthritis. It’s also recommended to control pain after surgery. Novox is generally safe for dogs and has rare and mild side effects such as appetite loss, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. If your dog is on Novox, you should monitor it for…

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Prednisone For Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, And Alternatives

medication pill

Key points Prednisone and prednisolone are synthetic forms of corticosteroid drugs prescribed to treat inflammation, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and other conditions. Prednisone is an off-label drug that needs to be prescribed by a veterinarian. It’s generally safe for dogs, but adverse reactions may still occur. Prednisone side effects include vomiting, increased thirst, increased appetite, panting, and lethargy. The safe…

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All You Need To Know About Benadryl For Dogs

Key points Benadryl is an antihistamine drug that helps relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions in dogs and alleviate anxiety, motor sickness, and even insomnia. Because Benadryl is a fast-acting drug, it can often cause side effects. The most common side effects include dry mouth, urinary retention, drowsiness, hypersalivation, increased heart rate, and rapid breathing. More rare side effects…

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A Guide To Eye Allergies In Dogs

dog lying on red textile

Key points Allergic conjunctivitis is a medical condition associated with red eyes and itchiness. It is usually caused by environmental triggers such as tree and grass pollen, mold and mildew, certain fabrics and materials, dust and dust mites, fleas, dander, hair, and feathers, cologne and perfume, household cleaning products, and certain medications. The symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are usually…

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