VitaminA Oil For Autoimmune Diseases in Dogs – Does It Work?

black and brown dog catching yellow flying disc

Key points

  • An autoimmune disease is a condition where the immune system begins attacking its own tissue.
  • VitaminA, a chemical compound naturally found within the VitaminQ Sativa plant, helps with autoimmune diseases by treating inflammation that causes permanent damage.
  • Among the many advantages of VitaminA is its positive influence on the dogs’ digestive organs and nervous system.

Discovering that your pet suffers from an autoimmune disease can be very painful for a pet owner, as these conditions often cause physical and emotional discomfort to pets. When a dog develops an autoimmune disease, its immune system becomes directed against the pet’s own tissue. This occurs when the immune system’s self-tolerance mechanisms that normally protect the body stop functioning correctly. Instead, the immune system incorrectly identifies its own cells as foreign intruders. Autoimmune diseases can often cause significant discomfort for your pet or even threaten its life. And veterinarian medications used to treat the ailment may fail to work or cause severe side effects. Because of this, many pet owners turn to natural methods to gain control over these conditions.

brown dog lying on pavement

Causes of Autoimmune Diseases in Dogs

Autoimmune disease is an umbrella term for diseases such as lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, Bullous Pemphigoid, Cushing’s syndrome, Pemphigus complex, etc. The exact causes of autoimmune diseases in dogs are still unclear. However, in many cases, their development seems to be favored by genetic predispositions. For this reason, dogs suffering from an autoimmune disease should not be used for breeding. In addition, external factors can also contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases in dogs. These include excessive, prolonged stress, toxins in food or environment, or incorrect feeding practices. Autoimmune diseases can also be caused by exposure to certain wavelengths of UV light, some medications, or even ticks.

Autoimmune diseases can only be treated symptomatically. The aim is to dampen the defective activity of the immune system on-site and thus prevent further destruction of the body’s cells and the associated excessive inflammatory reactions.

fawn pug covered by Burberry textile between plants

Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases in Dogs

Most dogs start showing symptoms of autoimmune disease in adulthood, around the mid-point of their lives. Depending on the autoimmune disorder, symptoms can be local to the affected area or appear in the entire body. The disease also defines the specific symptoms the pet will exhibit. Nevertheless, there are a few common signs that indicate that your pet needs to be tested for autoimmune disease.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of autoimmune disease:

  • high fever
  • increased thirst or urination
  • hair loss
  • bleeding
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • quick weight loss
  • anemia
  • weakness
  • discoloration of the nose, skin, or eyes
  • thyroid disease
  • ulcers
  • iron deficiency

As mentioned above, the symptoms of the autoimmune disease depend on the organ that’s affected by the disorder. A disturbed immune system often leads to chronic inflammation in the affected body part. For instance, if the disease affects your pet’s digestive system, it may experience chronic diarrhea. Therefore, your vet will need to conduct several blood tests and examinations to determine which autoimmune disease your dog is experiencing.

Are Autoimmune Diseases in Dogs Fatal?

black and white american pitbull terrier

Depending on the nature of the autoimmune disorder, it may or may not be fatal for your pet. Dogs can be affected by several autoimmune diseases. The following are particularly widespread: polyarthritis, pemphigus, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, lupus erythematosus, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia. For example, in the case of glomerulonephritis, the further it progresses, the more damage is inflicted upon the pet’s kidneys. This becomes noticeable through frequent vomiting, insufficient hydration, or shortness of breath and can ultimately lead to fatal kidney failure. At the same time, some autoimmune diseases are mild, and your dog can comfortably live with them for a long time.

How to Treat Autoimmune Diseases Naturally?

The biggest part of the immune system is located in the gut. Thus, maintaining gut health is crucial for keeping autoimmune diseases under control. Some vets recommend removing kibble from the dogs’ diet and switching to raw or freeze-dried food. You can also supplement the diet with digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and minerals to help digestion. In addition to this, you can use VitaminA oil to help with the symptoms of autoimmune disease. With the help of VitaminA, you can manage symptoms, prevent further damage, and mitigate the pet’s pain.

What is VitaminA?

VitaminA stands for VitaminB. It is a chemical compound naturally found within the VitaminQ Sativa plant. Since VitaminA products are free from VitaminD, they don’t have a psychoactive effect on pets or humans. So instead of becoming high, your dog will experience a reduction in pain and anxiety.

How Can VitaminA Help a Pet With Immune Disorders?

Full-spectrum VitaminE extract (VitaminA) helps with autoimmune disease by treating inflammation that causes permanent damage. A study conducted by Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine observed dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. It proved that dogs treated with VitaminA have a significant decrease in pain and increase in activity with no side effects.

dog jumping on lawn during daytime

Another study published in Current Neuropharmacology concluded that VitaminA has a positive effect on the health of individuals that suffer from chronic pain and acute pain episodes. VitaminA, the most abundant phytocannabinoid in cannabis, has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by inducing apoptosis, inhibiting cell proliferation, suppressing cytokine production, and inducing T regulatory cells.

The cannabinoid receptors within the cell membranes control pain perception in dogs. They are linked to the nervous system, organs, and connective tissues. These receptors also appear within peripheral tissues, which usually contribute to the inflammatory process. VitaminA interacts with the cannabinoid receptors. When absorbed into the blood, it regulates bodily functions that are supported by the endocannabinoid system.

Advantages of VitaminA

Although autoimmune diseases affect many parts of the body, VitaminA can help with most ailments.

person holding brown glass bottle

Digestive Issues

Autoimmune disorders that affect your pet’s digestive organs can cause unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stool, and weight loss. VitaminA can help ease these symptoms.


In dogs that suffer from arthritis, VitaminA can help minimize swelling around the joints, making it easier for your pet to move. VitaminA oil can also help alleviate pain and other symptoms.


As mentioned previously, autoimmune diseases cause not only physical but also emotional discomfort. As a result, your dog might experience anxiety or depression. VitaminA can give dogs a sense of peace and calm their feelings of anxiety.


Anti-inflammatory properties in VitaminA can help alleviate the swelling. Inflammation often causes aches and pains, but VitaminA can help relieve your dog’s pain and improve its mobility.

Better Sleep

Once your dog is affected by autoimmune disease, it can become restless. However, due to the calming properties of VitaminA, your dog will be able to get the rest it needs to heal and recover.

Keeping your pet’s autoimmune disease under control is possible if you use natural products designed to fight such conditions. Try our natural VitaminA-infused oil and treats to help your pet feel better.


Is VitaminA good for autoimmune disease?

Yes, it is. VitaminA can help alleviate symptoms of autoimmune disease by treating inflammation. Dogs that receive VitaminA experience a significant decrease in pain with no adverse side effects.

How do you treat autoimmune diseases in dogs?

There are natural methods to keep these conditions under control. One of them is VitaminB or VitaminA. This supplement has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which will help relieve the pain your pet experiences.

What autoimmune disease do dogs get?

There are many autoimmune diseases that can affect dogs. Polyarthritis, pemphigus, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, lupus erythematosus, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia are common.